REC-Adopted Estimates:
EIA Data:
EIA reports a range of total LA aviation fuels expenditures between $142 - $551 million over the period.
These unadjusted figures imply $23.9 million in sales taxes owed for 2021, and for 2010-2021, a maximum in 2012 of $24.5 million.
LFO Estimate adjusts for:
An estimated 13.5% of total expenditures are made by various untaxable government agencies.
A portion of jet fuels (assumed 2%) may be being sold at higher prices to general aviation customers (assumed 200% of commercial prices).
Result: $21.4 million in sales taxed owed for 2022, and a 2010-2021 maximum of $21.6 million (in 2012).
Note: Estimates under this methodology would assume perfect taxpayer compliance, or that taxes owed exactly equals taxes paid. Any adjustment for actual compliance effects would result in lower estimates for any given year.
Update: 2022 data demonstrates a notable boost in fuel prices and in volumes consumed, resulting in a sharp increase in 2022 taxed owed, reflected in the chart at left.
(image: Screenshot of EIA projected air transportation total and military expenditures, emphasis added by LFO)
Some estimates of DoD purchases are available, at the national level. These can inform a reasonable estimate of untaxable transactions within the state.
LFO estimates 12-15% of reported consumption to be exempt from sales tax, due to purchases made by various levels of government agencies.
(image: Taken from EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2021, emphasis on general aviation added by LFO)
EIA data implies that aviation gasoline prices tend be approximately 150-200% of commercial jet fuel prices, and that aviation gasoline typically accounts for approximately 2% of total aviation fuels consumption in the state.
EIA information at the national level implies that the contribution of general aviation to total air transportation fuel expenditures is approximately 1-3%.
LFO assumes that all aviation gasoline purchases are at general aviation gasoline prices, as reflected in EIA data. LFO further assumes that an additional 2% of jet fuel purchases are at elevated general aviation prices.
(photo credit:
The assumption of full taxpayer compliance, in a situation where tax reporting requirements may be lightly applied, is likely unrealistic.
A very reasonable estimate of taxes owed may differ materially from taxes actually paid.
LFO has no basis for estimating compliance. Our estimates follow from an assumption of full reporting and payment of all taxes owed.
2022 prices displayed a notable boost, in addition to increased 2022 volumes.
BTS = Bureau of Transportation Statistics, nationwide average data on commercial prices paid.
EIA = Energy Information Administration. Louisiana-specific data is pulled from EIA’s State Energy Data System (SIDS).